Chris M. Bernotas (* 1969)

Sound Performance for Young Musicians – Teacher's Score

43 Flexible Solos, Duets, and Trios for Winds & Percussion
Sound Innovations Sound Performance for Band

1–3 Blasinstrumente; Klavier ad lib.
Partitur, online Media
Autor / Komponist:
sehr leichtleicht
92 Seiten
Verlag / Hersteller:


Sound Performance for Young Musicians, by Chris Bernotas and Jim Palmer, is a versatile collection offering performance opportunities for students towards the end of their first year of instruction and beyond. Designed to inspire confidence and musicality as well as musical independence, all of the pieces can be performed as solos, duets, or trios, with or without piano accompaniment.

Featuring a diverse mix of folk songs, classical themes, holiday favorites, and patriotic tunes, these arrangements are ideal for solo performances, chamber concerts, or as a refreshing addition to regular concert programs. Notes and rhythms are limited to those used in most beginning method books. Free access is included for the practice tools in SI Online, featuring full-performance recordings, piano accompaniments, and minus-one tracks for playing along as a solo or part of a trio. Tracks can be slowed down, sped up, and looped.

This collection is an essential addition to any library, providing a fun and rewarding experience for students of all ages!

The series is available for flute/oboe clarinet / bass clarinet alto/baritone saxophone / alto clarinet tenor saxophone trumpet / euphonium T.C. horn in F trombone / bassoon / euphonium B.C. tuba percussion violin viola cello/bass piano accompaniment as well as teacher's scores for winds and strings. Because of grade-level considerations regarding keys and instrument ranges, the arrangements in the wind/percussion instrument series are not compatible with those in the string instrument series.

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Notenbuch, online Media

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