Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)


Fingering: Hans-Martin Theopold

F. Chopin: Walzer, Klav (0)F. Chopin: Walzer, Klav (1)F. Chopin: Walzer, Klav (2)F. Chopin: Walzer, Klav (3)F. Chopin: Walzer, Klav (4)
Tipo di prodotto:
spartito (edizione Urtext)
№ dell’articolo:
Autore / Compositore:
111 Pagine; 23,5 × 31 cm
Anno di pubblicazione:
Editore / Produttore:
N° del produttore:
HN 131


Chopin revolutionized the etude – but he ennobled the waltz. He spent much time on this genre throughout his life and created a wide spectrum of forms, from virtuosic showpieces – the Grandes Valses Brillantes – to deeply melancholic atmospheric pictures. All these works have one thing in common: one cannot and should not dance to them! Our volume contains all of the waltzes that were published during Chopin’s lifetime, or posthumously, including popular masterpieces such as the so-called “Minute Waltz” (op. 64 no. 1). In cases where two authentic versions of the same waltz have been transmitted, we naturally give the Urtext of both versions.


  • Waltz (Grande Valse brillante) E flat major op. 18
  • Waltz A flat major op. 34,1
  • Waltz a minor op. 34,2
  • Waltz F major op. 34,3
  • Waltz A flat major op. 42Waltz (Minute) D flat major op. 64,1
  • Waltz c sharp minor op. 64,2
  • Waltz A flat major op. 64,3
  • Waltz A flat major op. post. 69,1
  • Waltz (Version according to Fontana) A flat major op. post. 69,1
  • Waltz b minor op. post. 69,2
  • Waltz (Version according to Fontana) b minor op. post. 69,2
  • Waltz G flat major op. post. 70,1
  • Waltz (Version according to Fontana) G flat major op. post. 70,1
  • Waltz f minor op. post. 70,2
  • Waltz (Version according to Fontana) f minor op. post. 70,2
  • Waltz D flat major op. post. 70,3
  • Waltz A flat major KK IVa,13
  • Waltz E major KK IVa,12
  • Waltz e minor KK IVa,15
  • Waltz a minor KK IVb,11
  • Appendix: Waltz E flat major KK IVb,10
  • Appendix: Waltz E flat major KK IVa,14
21,50  €
In magazzino. Tempi di consegna 3–8 giorni lavorativi (Svizzera)
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Articoli correlati

F. Chopin: Walzer, Klav (Hard)
Frédéric Chopin


Fingering: Hans-Martin Theopold

per: pianoforte

spartito (copertina rigida, edizione Urtext)

№ dell’articolo: 401200

38,50  €più costi di spedizione
In magazzino. Tempi di consegna 3–8 giorni lavorativi (ch)
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