Funeral Music for Manuals

25 best-loved pieces for funerals

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Orgel (manualiter)
67 Seiten
Verlag / Hersteller:


Funeral Music for Manuals offers a solemn and respectful selection of music for use during funeral services. Featuring 25 well-known and beloved classical pieces, this book is the perfect accompaniment for any organist looking to provide a meaningful and comforting atmosphere for mourners. Each piece has been carefully selected for manuals and evoke a sense of reflection, reverence, and tranquillity. From Schubert's 'Ave Maria' to Mozart's 'Ave Verum Corpus', the pieces range in style and complexity to provide a varied and moving musical experience. This book is an essential resource for any organist who wants to provide a fitting tribute to the life of a loved one. Whether used during the service or as part of a prelude or postlude, Funeral Music for Manuals is a valuable addition to any organist's library.


  • Ave Maria [Franz Schubert]
  • Nimrod from Enigma Variations [Edward Elgar]
  • Pie Jesu from Requiem [Gabriel Fauré]
  • Sheep May Safely Graze [Johann Sebastian Bach]
  • Prière à Notre Dame from Suite Gothique [Leon Boëllmann]
  • Laudate Dominum from Solemn Vespers [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart]
  • Panis Angelicus [César Franck]
  • How lovely are thy dwellings from Requiem [Johannes Brahms]
  • Prelude In C [Johann Sebastian Bach]
  • The Swan from Carnival of the Animals [Camille Saint-Saëns]
  • Largo from Symphony no. 9 From the New World [Antonín Dvoák]
  • Cantique de Jean Racine [Gabriel Fauré]
  • Ave verum corpus [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart]
  • Gymnopédie No. 1 [Erik Satie]
  • Rêverie [Leon Boëllmann]
  • Adagio from Pathétique Sonata [Ludwig van Beethoven]
  • Pavane [Gabriel Fauré]
  • Largo from Serse [George Frideric Handel]
  • Träumerei [Robert Schumann]
  • Air from Suite No. 3 [Johann Sebastian Bach]
  • Rêverie [Pjotr Iljitsj Tchaikovsky]
  • Miserere [Gregorio Allegri]
  • To a Wild Rose [Edward MacDowell]
  • Meditation from Thaïs [Jules Massenet]
  • Solemn Melody [Henry Walford Davies]
23,75  €
Lieferzeit: 2–3 Wochen.
auf den Merkzettel

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Funeral Music for Organ, Org

Funeral Music for Organ

25 best-loved pieces for funerals

für: Orgel


Artikelnr.: 1582975

23,75  €zzgl. Versand
Sofort versandfertig. Lieferzeit: 3–8 Arbeitstage (ch)
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